Over a cup of tea

Singaporehas a history of racial violence. But as noted in one of Newzzit'searlier stories,itiscommendable that its first-generation leaders recognised thataracially harmonious Singapore, where everyone respects each-othersbelief and faith, was the way forward. Indeed, the city-state hasleft those horrible times of the 1960s far far behind.

Though with time, as can happen inany society, some sections may develop a perception of “unequalopportunities” and “employment discrimination”, in-spite of allthe best intentions of its leaders. Similar concerns have recentlybeen raised by minority races in Singapore.

TheSuara Musyawarah report, which was presented to the minister ofMuslim-affairs, dealt with Malay issues, while a dialogue organisedby People's Association's Narpani Pearavai saw the Indian communityenumerate their concerns. In this issue, we report on thesetwoevents in the Kaleidoscope section.

Complimenting it, is a report insideThe Fourth Estate, on survey findings recently published by theInstitute of Policy Studies and OnePeople.sg, which dealt with“perception of discrimination in jobs and promotions”.

A welcome development in PM Lee'sNational Day Rally speech was the extension of Edusave to madrasahstudents, which he acknowledged has been a “long-standing issue”.We celebrate it in our Majulah Singapura section.

Moving beyond our shores, we reporton the ongoing tussle in Malaysia between Muslims and Christians overthe right to use the word 'Allah'; and the widely anticipated win ofTony Abbott in Australian parliamentary elections.

Finally, we report on the upcomingNorthern Provincial Council elections in Sri Lanka being held after agap of 25 years, which the Tamil-speaking population of Singapore iskeenly watching.

Here's to a strong, prosperous andharmonious Singapore!
