All the above data is from Census 2013. All religious symbols used in this illustration are for indicative purposes only and the newspaper unreservedly apologises for any unintentional error in representation.
All pictures used above are courtesy (Photos for everyone), and all news stories are courtesy Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.
Most of the above translations of "Unity in Diversity" were done using Google Translate, and the newspaper unreservedly apologises for any unintentional error in grammar and meaning. The source for the number of speakers of each langauge in New Zealand is the Office of Ethnic Communities, and Census 2013.
The Migrant Times was launched in June. We have published 13 issues till now. Our aim has been to put in the mainstream - the issues, news, views, struggles, successes, and celebrations of the migrant communities in New Zealand. Below we recap what all we published in the year 2016.