Multicultural Times

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Christchurch Labour MP's and candidates meet with Canterbury Refugee Council

(from The Migrant Times; the original story is here

As political parties kick off their election campaigns, Labour MP’s Megan Woods and Ruth Dyson, and labour candidates, Anthony Rimell candidate for Ilam, Jo Luxton candidate for Rangitata, Tony Condon candidate for Selwyn and Duncan Webb candidate for Christchurch Central, recently met with representatives of the Canterbury Refugee Council.

Among other issues, the Labour leaders discussed their Party's commitment to doubling the refugee quote and Andrew Little’s condemnation of US President Donald Trump’s actions against refugee and migrant communities in his country, which has made international news.

"It was a good chance for the MP’s and candidates to listen to the concerns of the Refugee Council, and topics discussed included the National governments lack of support for family reunification and the need for a humanitarian approach to refugee and migrant issues, the difficulties some refugees face securing employment, and the problem of young people leaving for Australia once they have their qualifications," noted a Labour spokesperson.

"The group also discussed lack of services in mental health for refugee communities and alarm at the governments proposed sale for Housing New Zealand houses."