No English? No Worries! - 3 Services at Hand to Help You
(from The Migrant Times; the original story is here

It is a not-for-profit social enterprise offering face-to-face, telephone or video interpreting services in some 70 languages. Interpreters’ services are generally provided free to the non-English speaker by the agency that makes the booking in reflection of New Zealand’s human rights legislation and the Health and Disability Commissioner’s Code of Rights.

It's a telephone interpreting service by the Office of Ethnic Communities. The service is provided for 44 languages and hours of operation on weekdays is between 9am to 6pm. On Saturday, the service ends at 2pm. To get an interpreter, visit or telephone a participating agency. Ask for Language Line and the language you want. An interpreter will help you within two minutes.

Citizens Advice Bureau provides free and confidential advice on all settlement needs, queries and issues in 25 languages. A Justice of the Peace is available on some days. Issues related to immigration, income and support benefits, taxes, housing and tenancy, employment, education, health, family issues, consumer rights, as well as general matters, are all included.