Employment: Connecting Canterbury employers and Newcomers Skills Programme - CECC
(from The Migrant Times; the original story is here https://themigranttimes.org.nz/stories/2016/10/6/employment-connecting-canterbury-employers-and-newcomers-skills-programme-cecc?rq=employment)
Did you know that the Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce’ provides a programme that supports and connects Canterbury employers’ with newcomers skills. Since this Immigration New Zealand funded programme began in 2003 to the end of June 2015, on average annually over 860 Canterbury employers have been connected with potential skilled migrant job seekers. A total of 2200 skilled migrant job seekers have received ‘one on one’ job search support and over 800 have been successfully placed into jobs specific to their skills sets.
Since inceptionthe programme has adapted over the years to meetImmigration NZ’s‘Business Growth Agenda’ that includes ensuringCanterbury employers’ have improved access to the skills they need to grow their business / organisation and that these employers are aware of the benefitsof employing newcomers and receive support which enhances retention of newcomer employees.
Our Connecting Canterbury Employers and Newcomers Skills programme coordinator will work with:
Canterbury employers to:
connect them with skilled newcomers and partners of skilled newcomers
improve access to the skills needed to grow their business
ensure Canterbury employers are aware of the benefits of employing newcomers
receive information and support that enhances their retention in the workplace
Skilled migrants/partners of skilled migrants and international students to:
Free job search support for permanent NZ residents, work visas, student visa and/or post study work visas holders who are currently living in the Canterbury region.
Help to identify the job market, career pathways relevant to training, skills and previous workplace experience.
Connectwith potential employers in relevant industry sectors
Free job search support for the spouses and partners by meeting with them one on one to discuss their job objectives. This includes ensuring that their CVs and cover letters are appropriate and relevant to the New Zealand job market.
Support with application processes and interview training.
Help with all issues that may need addressing to ensure successful employment outcomes are achieved.
For support and information contact:
- by Jude Ryan-O'Dea
(Programme Coordinator - Connecting Canterbury Employers and Newcomers Skills, Canterbury Employers' Chamber of Commerce)
Email: juder@cecc.org.nz DDI: 03 353 4161: please leave a message if unavailable