Celebrations: Selwyn's diversity celebrated at CultureFest 2016
(from The Migrant Times; the original story is here https://themigranttimes.org.nz/stories/2016/10/20/celebrations-selwyns-diversity-celebrated-at-culturefest-2016?rq=culturefest)

- event was part of Rolleston 150th anniversary celebrations
Organised by the Selwyn District Council (SDC) and supported by the Lincoln Rotary Club, and Christchurch Multicultural Council, CultureFest 2016 was attended by over 8,000 people on October 15. Informing this was Dave Tippett, SDC's Senior Events and Recreation Advisor, who added, “Preparations for the event started in March. Though the idea was initiated as part of Council’s multicultural strategy unveiled last year. The event today has built on the success of the Lincoln Multi-Cultural Festival. We had over 20 cultural performances including from Russia, Italy, Greece, Poland, India and China, which were well-complimented by food stalls from around the world. The CultureFest is part of Rolleston's 150th anniversary celebrations – led by Councillor Jeff Bland, which featured displays of traction engines, vintage cars, military equipments, fire engines, and sheep shearing.”

There were 16 food stalls on site treating people to delicacies from all over the world incluing Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Middle-East