Muslims across NZ celebrate Eid'ul Adha
(picture caption: Volunteers from Jannah Road Charity Op Shop, which is "New Zealand's first Islamic Op Shop committed to supporting local Muslim communities", at Auckland's Eid'ul Adha celebrations on August 22. The charity also runs a hajj sponsership project, says Denit, the founder, who herself immigrated from Turkey.)
NZ Palestine Solidarity Network (, Syrian Relief (, and Refugees as Survivors New Zealand Trust (, were also part of the Eid celebrations in Auckland on August 22
In Canterbury too, Salat Idul Al-Adha (Eid Prayers) were organised at the Cowles Stadium on the morning of August 22, which were led by Imam Gamal Fouda of Masjid Al Noor of Christchurch. Then on August 25 (above picture), Canterbury Muslimah Network, Islamfirstkids, Canterbury Muslim Community Trust (CMCT), and Nawawi Centre, came together to organise an Eid Kidsfest. It was a cultural food galore, with fun games, onstage performances, and various activities for kids. (picture courtesy: CMCT)
Fund-raising for Northland Islamic Centre
The Muslim community in Whangarei and Northland is currently raising funds to purchase a property for a permanent Masjid located in Whangarei. More details at