Over a Cup of Tea

You gave us your feedback and weimproved!

I hope our third issue annuls anydoubt, if there's still any left, that Newzzit is a people'snewspaper. We don't just put  our readers first, we put them first,second, third....... and so on.

Our business model makes it possiblefor us to concentrate only on what journalism is supposed to do,bringing relevant stories to concerned citizens.  

Though I needn't reiterate, as it isalready evident from our three issues, but I will still say it.

Everyfortnight Newzzit aims to bring you those stories from Singaporewhich are not widely discussed or reported for somereason orthe other.We continue to publish without fear or favour.   

In this issue, we have two storiesrelated to the most important event of the last fortnight, PM'sNational Day Rally. While there is no doubt, the PM touched quite anumber of hearts by giving a compassionate speech, his governmentneeds to urgently tackle the most pressing issue of healthcareaffordability in a rapidly ageing society.

We also touch upon the “reported”concerns related to Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations going onsince 2010, of which Singapore is also a part. These negotiations arebeing undertaken in so much secrecy that nobody is quite sure whatexactly the proposals are.

In Close to Home section, we discussthe upheavals witnessed in the Thai society with its major religion,Buddhism, becoming commercialised in recent years. 

Finally, we have three storiesrelated to the recently amended terrorism financing legislation,illegal arms trade with Iran and Singapore's arms export-importstatistics. It is an irony that till now, money laundering offencesused to attract more severe fines than terrorism financing offencesin Singapore.

Hope you like the improved design ofNewzzit. As always, feedback and criticism will be most appreciated.

We are also working on improving ourwebsite's layout. Please watch-out in coming weeks.

